Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Computer Shops That Sell Defective Products Should Close Down

I hate computer shops that sell defective products. These computer shops sell defective products that only work for as long as your warranty last. And when the computer's warranty run out, your computer will break down. It is like these computer shops put a time bomb inside the computer that will go off when the computer's warranty expires.

What is more aggreviating here is that these fucking computer shops won't repair your computer. They will just say "Sorry, can't do jack. But we will give you a 10% discount on your next computer purchase for the inconvenience of having a computer break down on you days after your computer's warranty expired." Fuckers!

So as you can see, these computer shops are money-grabbing assholes that want to get more money from you by selling defective products with short limited warranty and high prices.

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