Friday, September 15, 2006

The Most Fucking Idiot Ever: Superman!

Yeah, we know that one of the most stupid superheroes ever is Superman for wearing his red underwear over his blue thights, but you see, Superman is the most stupid idiot ever for not conquering the world.

Yes, he is stupid for wearing his red underwear over his blue thights and not the other way around.

Superman is the most fucking stupid idiotic superhero because he's a visitor from the planet Krypton, with powers far beyond men! Can jump over tall buildings with a single leap, faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a speeding train, and yet he didn't conquer the world? Any self-respecting visiting alien from other planet will really try to invade and conquer it. Superman tries to be nice and pretends to be a idiot, pussy whipped journalist. And yes, Superman has four amazing dorky super-pets: a dog, a cat, a horse and a monkey?named Krypto, Streaky, Comet and Beppo. Now you really have to wonder, Superman has already have the power to conquer the world, and he also has a small army of idiotic super-pets to do his bidding, yet, why he didn't conquer the world? Man, what a dope. He's not Superman, he's Superstupid.

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